Want Your Non-Profit to Remain Relevant during C-19?
Consider These Strategies I’ve Shared with Clients

You’ll never forget these days. How you position yourself and your non-profit will also be remembered.
Nothing is “normal” about our lives this week, and you can bet your donors feel the same way. For almost two weeks now, current and past clients have been calling, seeking affirmation, direction, and suggestions.
Between calls and emails, I’ve cleaned pantries, colored my hair (!), photographed nasturtiums, and sat on the front porch, holding my zoom lens, until the chickadees came home.
About five minutes ago, my husband emerged from our dining room where he just taught his first two classes via Zoom. “It’s not as bad as I thought it would be,” he said.
Doable Work, Empathetic Tone
and Wise Use of Time
I want to share three suggestions to focus you on doable work, to create an empathetic tone, and to ensure you reflect on these days as productive ones.
1. Change up your social media posts.
Whatever messages you had scheduled for the next three weeks, change them. Make your posts relevant. Real. Even personal.
For example, I’ve worked with The Foundation at Bethany, an assisted living facility, to replace scheduled messaging with honest, informative and relevant content:
- Foods to Keep Your Senior Healthy at Home
- Steps We’re Taking Which You Can Take with Seniors at Home
- How Our Team is Committed to Your Family
2. Segment and Continue Fundraising…Differently
This is your opportunity to target Gen-X, Millennials, Special Event guests, and Very Lapsed Donors – people who will give when there’s a current reason.
This is not an opportunity to send prospects to your website, to educate, or to ask new donors to create a log-in and password.
Use well-known platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and SnapChat. Ensure your PayPal and/or Apple Pay accounts are available to prospects on whichever platform you use.
Donors who are moved by the moment want to say yes with one click. Every step between the Ask and the Gift reduces the likelihood of success.
Make a specific, concrete ask. Another of my clients, Morningstar Children and Family Services, is now teaching 52 kids at home with schools closed!
Morningstar provides several important programs, but their residential foster care home represents the greatest need so that’s where we’re focusing!
3. Clean house. This too shall pass.
Imagine how good you’ll feel if you spend this time strengthening systems which will strengthen your organization after social distancing is only a memory. Here are some suggestions:
- Database – You know what to do.
- Research new giving channels: text-to-give, mobile auctions, on-line raffles, DipJar, virtual “walks,” and text trees.
- Write thank you notes.
- Call faithful volunteers to say thank you.
Free Guide
Let me know if you would like a copy of Facebook’s Activation Guide, which I’ll send along with tips from my personal Facebook campaign for out-of-work coal miners back in September.
A Friend Indeed
A friend in need…a friend indeed. I want to offer readers of my blog a second set of eyes. Through April 1st. Just email me if I can help.
Stay Safe!
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Contact Information
Miracle Strategies Fundraising & Marketing
Phoenicia Miracle, Principal
(912) 272-2263
PO Box 10851 Savannah, GA 31412
5 Gadsdenboro St. #315 Charleston, SC 29401
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